Indonesia Trademark Office DGIP

Indonesia Trademark Office DGIP is an abbreviation for the Directorate General of Indonesian Intellectual Property. You can register your foreign trademark with DGIP with the help of Patendo IPR Consultant who have 10 years of experience in trademark registration in Indonesia, please visit and get a free consultation via email at

Understanding Indonesia's Trademark Registration System. Brands convey invaluable trust and recognition in hyper-competitive marketplaces. Accordingly, securing exclusive rights and protections around names, slogans, logos plus other identifiers represents a strategic priority for most enterprises. In Indonesia, these trademark safeguards stem from registration with the specialized Indonesia trademark office DGIP

But navigating this multifaceted system bears its own complexities for new applicants and seasoned groups alike when charting registration, enforcement or international expansion activities. 

This guide offers an overview into key processes, tips and insights for successfully registering and maintaining trademarks under Indonesian legal jurisdiction with the Indonesia trademark office authority. 

Registering Your Trademarks in Indonesia at Indonesia Trademark Office

Trademarks fall under the Directorate General of Intellectual Property’s (DGIPR) mandate within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as the regulatory authority overseeing their registration and granting protections. 

The DGIPR carries out main functions around trademarks including: 

• Administering the application and registration framework 

• Substantively assessing individual submissions 

• Granting exclusive rights for approved marks 

• Managing disputes and appeals 

• Enforcing against infringement 

• Building awareness on system mechanics 

This central role positions the Indonesia trademark office DGIPR as custodians nurturing Indonesia’s brand landscape through registering and reinforcing everything from iconic global marks to niche local insignia. 

Qualifying Registerable Trademarks 

But what makes a brand asset or identifier actually eligible for DGIPR registration as a recognized trademark conferring legal safeguards? 

Indonesia maintains an expansive interpretation encompassing: 

• Word marks like brand names and slogans 

• Figurative marks including logos and labels 

• Stylized branding such as unique fonts 

• Three dimensional shapes and product packaging 

• Colors, sounds, scents used distinctively 

• Holograms and motion marks 

• Tagged slogans and titles 

Generally, appropriate marks convey uniqueness linked with a commercial origin rather than purely describing products or generic uses. Though descriptive marks also hold potential depending on demonstrated secondary associations pointing back to single sources.

Even geographical indications certify protecting regionally-tied products under the system like “Java” coffee. Most anything serving a source-identifying function registers if aesthetically pleasing also comes into play for figurative and non-conventional applicants when assessment criteria weigh shape and stylization. 

When ready to commence registering trademarks with the DGIPR to activate enforceable property rights, applicants should prepare for administrative formalities coupled with substantive probing around adoptability parameters. Key steps in the process administered by the Indonesian trademark office include: 

• Mandatory electronic filing for users with certified accounts 

• Strict use classifications spanning 45 international categories 

• Meticulous description of goods and services being branded 

• Supporting label specimens and material examples 

• Proof demonstrating active prior adoption if claiming such status 

• A six month opposition period after publication 

• Substantive examination against refusal grounds and oppositions 

• Certificate issuance for approved applications 

Paying close attention to technical details like formatting, descriptions and documentation prevents common hang-ups seen with many applicants that lead to outright rejections or limited enforceability later on. Consider enlisting experienced counsel for guidance. 

Also note that Indonesia follows first-to-file doctrines in granting rights to earliest qualified applicants rather than basing decisions on evidence of actual marketplace usage. This renders swift registration through the DGIPR essential for securing trademarks without established legal ownership through existing registrations or documented historical adoption locally. 

Otherwise late-comers can still carve out protections despite your brands enjoying local recognition first. 

Post-Registration Best Practices 

With coveted trademark certificates now in hand courtesy of the Indonesia trademark office, a few additional protocols remain vital for preserving scope and managing eventual renewals or disputes. 

Trademarks only maintain protections and enforceability through ongoing use in commerce. Simply registering without ever actually attaching certifications to goods and services risks eventual cancellation or challenges. 

Additionally, registrations only convey rights for initial 10 year terms before necessitating renewal. Cancellations automatically occur for trademarks abandoned after initial decades without filing continuation requests and fees. 

Similarly, registrants must actively monitor markets for potential infringement to enforce rights against brand borrowers or prevent generic appropriation eroding control. This makes properly registered trademarks only part of dynamic branding stewardship responsibilities. 

Effectively navigating Indonesia’s intricate trademark landscape requires understanding the country’s underlying legal traditions, registration governors like the Indonesia trademark office regulators plus options when infringements materialize. 

There exist paths smoothing common bumps with trained experts. Now equipped with fundamentals around critical processes administered through the DGIPR along with post-allowance guidelines, securing your brands and maximizing control in Southeast Asia’s largest economy holds exciting potential as regional integration accelerates. 

This positive track record makes Patendo the right and trusted choice for many business people and companies for IPR matters. Patendo's Consultation Services continue to grow rapidly along with the increase in innovation that needs to be protected by IPR. 

So, don't hesitate to contact Patendo to get advice regarding trademark registration in Indonesia and globally. Start protecting your Intellectual Property now with our trusted consultants!